Our Expertise
Low T
“Low T” (low testosterone) is a drop in a man’s hormone levels that may leave him with significant symptoms. These are often overlooked and blamed on ‘aging’ but can lead to poor quality of life and may be related to other serious medical problems. Could you be experiencing Low T?
- Have you experienced a decrease in your sex drive (libido)?
- Do you experience lack of energy?
- Has your strength or endurance decreased?
- Have you noticed yourself enjoying life less?
- Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?
Prostate Problems
Urinary Troubles & Cancer Screening
As men age the prostate causes trouble in two distinct, and usually unrelated ways: it can cause urinary troubles (nighttime voiding, slow stream, urgency) that can have a huge impact on a man’s quality of life. We have numerous solutions that can fix the problem with minimal unwanted effects.
It can also cause prostate cancer – the most common cancer in men – which usually doesn’t have any symptoms until advanced stages, but can be detected early with blood tests. Men should consider screening for this common cancer around age 50 depending on family history and individualized factors.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) — It happens. It can happen to anyone every now and then, but as you get older you may notice it happening more. Erections are a complex event involving nerves, chemistry, and small arteries and veins – all of which can be thrown off by age and the medical problems that life sends our way. We can help!
Reliable Permanent Birth Control
Every year more than 500,000 men choose vasectomy as a safe, effective, and permanent form of birth control. This is usually an office-based procedure that takes 20-30 minutes and results in minimal recovery time. Our fellowship-trained expert physicians use the latest techniques to ensure your comfort and long-term success.
Men’s Sexual Function
Restore Intimacy
Curve, Lump, or Bump with Erection? It could be Peyronie’s Disease: a distressing problem with treatment options available to restore intimacy.
Premature Ejaculation is the inability to control orgasm/ejaculation in a way that causes distress to a man and/or his partner
Male Infertility
Overcome the Statistics
Up to 60% of the time inability to conceive can have a male factor contributing, and this often goes under-recognized. Our fellowship-trained infertility experts can offer the solutions you need to start the family that you want.