Urology of Virginia, started an early celebration of its 100 year anniversary (2022) today with an announcement by US News and World Report. They have confirmed in a global news release today, that the sole urology provider for Sentara Norfolk General Hospital is ranked within the top 23 programs in the United States. Taken from the Sentara press release, “The Urology program at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (SNGH) is ranked No. 23 in the nation due to the great partnership and collaboration with Urology of Virginia and EVMS.
Comprehensive urology care is critical for our Hampton Roads community. Our program at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital has the ability to effectively manage our community’s high prevalence of urologic cancers,” said Dr. Jennifer Miles-Thomas, President of Urology of Virginia. “We are proud to have our dedication to education, excellent patient care and innovative treatments recognized in this national ranking.”
Dr. Jennifer Miles-Thomas, President of Urology of Virginia said in a congratulatory statement to all of the staff of Urology of Virginia, “No matter what position you hold here, you are an integral part of the fabric that is carefully woven into making us what we are today. Without each one of you and your commitment to our patients, the practice and each other this synergy could not be possible. From your leadership here at Urology of Virginia, we would like to share a sincere and heartfelt thank you. It is an honor to be a part of this world class team!
Dr. Jennifer Miles-Thomas, President
Dr. Michael Fabrizio ,Immediate Past President
Dr. Joshua Langston, Chief Medical Officer