Low T (Hypogonadism)

“Low T” or low testosterone is a drop in a man’s hormone levels that may leave him with significant symptoms. The symptoms of low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, are often overlooked because they are mistaken for ordinary signs of aging. Men with below-normal testosterone may experience the following symptoms:
- Decreased interest in sex
- Depression
- Muscle weakness
- Weight gain
- Significant tiredness
- Erectile dsyfunction
- Small or soft testicles
- Reduced bone density
Testosterone is a natural hormone in the human body that is responsible for the development of muscle mass, bone density, sperm production in men, regulation of sex drive (libido), fat distribution and metabolism (burning fat). For men, it is an important hormone and a fundamental building block of a healthy body. Testosterone also plays major roles in cognitive functions, concentration, energy levels, and regulating healthy sleeping habits.
Our goal is for men to live a fulfilling life, with nothing holding you back. If your testosterone is low you may notice a decrease in your stamina, exercise tolerance, sex drive and mood. It also has important implications for your heart and bone health. If you are a candidate for Testosterone therapy, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan to optimize your health and let you live the life you want to live.
When testosterone levels are normalized with treatment, men will often see: increased energy, improved libido, better exercise tolerance, improved muscle mass, strength and stamina, decreased irritability/depression, happier and increased positive outlook on life, improved cognitive functions, ability to focus, and mental drive, improved relationships with their loved ones.